We Are Practical Engineers...
We Are Practical Engineers...
Effective Date January 1, 2025
We have updated our Privacy Policy to include a link to TWIG®’s Data Privacy policy for data received through TWIG®’s normal course of business. We have not made any material changes to how we treat data collected through the use of this site. TWIG® and its family of companies (“TWIG®,” “we,” or “us”) recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of your personal information, and we have prepared this Privacy Policy to provide you with important information about our privacy practices. This Privacy Policy applies when you visit or use a website or other online service (collectively, the “Services”) that links or refers to it. For TWIG®’s Data Privacy Policy for data received in the normal course of business, please click here.
Information We Collect
Information You Provide Directly We collect information that you provide us directly, including when you contact us using a “Contact Us” form on the site, send us an e-mail, or enter a search query on the Services. For example, if you send us e-mail, your email address and the contents of your message will be collected. This includes text characters and any audio, video, and graphic information formats included in the message.
Information We Collect Automatically Our servers automatically log information about your use of and visits to the Services, including through the use of cookies, Web beacons, and similar technologies. For example, we may collect your IP address, the type of web browser and operating system used to access the Services, the time and duration of your visits, and information about the content and webpages you view and the features you access on the Services.
Information from Third PartiesWe may receive additional information about you from other publicly and commercially available sources, as permitted law. We may combine all of the information we collect or receive about you and use or disclose it in the manner described in this Privacy Policy.
Use of Your Information We use the information we collect and receive to provide and improve the Services and our other products, services, and offerings, as well as to provide you with information you request or respond to inquiries we receive from you or your company or organization. We also may use such information to analyze how users use the Services and related analysis, research, reporting, and troubleshooting and as we believe is necessary or appropriate to protect, enforce, or defend legal rights, privacy, safety or property, whether our own or that of our employees or agents or others, and to comply with applicable law.
Sharing Your Information
To the extent consistent with applicable law, we may share your information in the following circumstances:
The information you provide may be transferred outside your country to another country that does not have similar data protection legislation and may provide a lower level of protection for your information. By using any of the Services or providing us with your information you consent such transfers.
Links to Other Websites and Third Parties
The Services may contain links or references to third-party owned or operated websites or online services. TWIG® is not responsible for the collection of personal information or the security or privacy of such information on any such third party sites or services. Likewise, TWIG® is not responsible for the collection, usage and disclosure policies and practices (including the data security practices) of any other app developer, app provider, social media platform provider, operating system provider, wireless service provider or device manufacturer, including with respect to any personal information you disclose to such other organizations through or in connection with our social media pages, any mobile sites, applications, widgets, and other mobile interactive features.
Cookies, Web Beacons, and Similar Technologies (see also our Cookie Policy)
The Services — as well as certain third parties that provide content and other functionality on the Services — use a variety of technologies to learn more about how people use the Services and the Internet. This section provides more information about some of those technologies and how they work.
Protection of Information TWIG® uses industry standard security measures to protect the information under our control, including firewalls and other security measures. Although the inherent dangers of the Internet mean we cannot guarantee the protection of your information against loss, misuse, or alteration, TWIG® takes steps to protect your personal information.
Children’s Information
The Services are intended to be used by adults and corporate entities interested in TWIG®. They are not intended for children, and TWIG® does not knowingly collect or store personal information about children under the age of 13.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
Due to changes in technology, legal requirements, and our Services, we may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of changes by posting changes here, or by other appropriate means. We suggest that you bookmark this page so that you may check periodically to see if any changes have been made.
Do Not Track Signal
Some web browsers may transmit “do-not-track” signals to the websites with which the user communicates. We do not currently take action in response to those signals. If an industry standard on responding to such signals is established and accepted, we may reassess how to respond to those signals.
Questions and Contact Information
If you have any questions about this statement or our handling of personal information please contact us by e-mail at
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Copyright © Since 2007 TWIG® - All Rights Reserved.
A nationally recognized multidisciplinary design and consulting firm based in New York City.
Designed and produced by TWIG® UCAS.
TWIG® use cookies to improve user experience and analyze website traffic. By continuing to the site, you consent to store on your device all the technologies described in our Cookie Policy, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.